What's New in ITASCA Software v9.2

What's New in ITASCA Software v9.2

This webinar unveiled the latest innovations in ITASCA Software v9.2 by Dr. Jim Hazzard, Software Manager at ITASCA.

🔍 Highlights:

  • Cluster computing OPTION to greatly speed up numerical modeling solutions by launching multiple connected model instances
  • Performance improvements for resetting, saving, and restoring large models
  • Faster fluid flow in 3DEC joints
  • New curved Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model
  • Calculate accumulated plastic strain tensor to extract synthetic seismic magnitudes and moment tensors
  • Improvements to Sketch, including a new 2D joint-set generator for zone-joints
  • Python access to zone field data
  • GeoBOT: new ITASCA AI assistant
  • Machine learning, rapid tool of a rock slope based on surrogate FLAC2D models
  • New UI controls

ITASCA Software v9 software (FLAC3D, FLAC2D, 3DEC, PFC, and MassFlow) are available as subscriptions and several incremental point-releases will be released each year as new features and capabilities are developed.


10 am - 11 am CT


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